
[STOP]UNOFFICIAL Resurrection Remix 5.8.2 OnePlus 3

LAST UPDATE: 03/25/2017

Unofficial Resurrection Remix 5.8.2 User build 








Latest Magisk

Viper4Android A.R.I.S.E
Dolby Atmos (Zip and Magisk module)

動作しない:NOT WORK

Tell me


ro.build.display.id=NOF26W test-keys



Substratum bug fixed

Substratum bug
Solution is there.



Big thanks

: RR team
: My teacher sud.vastav


▼ 03/25/2017

 ▪ project frameworks/base/
 ▪ 1533473 Slim Recents: more fixes, cleanup and improvements
 ▪ 5e02a9a Merge pull request #187 from ashoksoni/changes
 ▪ 8b6ff71 Fix crash issue on Storage Manager app
 ▪ 7bfdfda Fix for wakelock being held during bootup and idle scenario.
 ▪ 4df2b2b SystemUI: Tiny expanding improvement Signed-off-by: BigBrother1984 <carlosavignano@aospa.co> Signed-off-by: xyyx <xyyx@mail.ru>
 ▪ 4e0ee9f [BUG] fix NullPointerException in Notification.java
 ▪ 738bd6e Slim Recents Membar Colors [1/2]
 ▪ 5d257d2 Base: API to restart SystemUI without root
 ▪ d9ea16f Weather tile longclick: alternative weather apps when google weather not installed
 ▪ 5369e64 Slim Recents: fix multiwindow glitch when docking app to bottom
 ▪ 9b7f8a4 Slim Recent new multiwindow when multiwindow already active: make it more robust
 ▪ 728368c Cleanups after Slim recents Refactor
 ▪ 0dec18d Allow themers to customize battery frame color on darkintensity
 ▪ 9cb2b58 Slim Recents icon cache: clear it when changing scale factor
 ▪ 9f09e14 Location tile: new icons
 ▪ 838a66f Slim Recents: add icon cache to improve performances
 ▪ 4cf1b49 Slim Recents icon pack: fallback to app icon if pack doesn't have any
 ▪ 3cec48b Clean up a couple Uris in PSB
 ▪ aac9a56 Slim recents: don't show content when screen is pinned
 ▪ 9a7e481 Slim recents: fix sometimes icons being invisible when they should not
 ▪ e4b1813 Slim Recents: fix multiwindow glitch when docking app to bottom
 ▪ e9026c1 Slim Recents: fix toptask header layout and other ui improvements
 ▪ 37c03e3 Slim recents: no need to vibrate twice on longclick
 ▪ 55213dd Slim recents: Fix blinking cards on notifyDataSetChanged()
 ▪ 02119f4 Slim recents style improvements
 ▪ c4c2f58 Slim Recent: allow to dock new apps if a multiwindow session is already running
 ▪ 54e0b02 Refactor SlimRecents (1/2)

 ▪ project packages/apps/Recorder/
 ▪ ed7a8b3 Recorder: add and fix missing copyrights
 ▪ 779c197 Recorder: screen recorder overlay
 ▪ 4bf3b75 Recorder: update gradle and support libraries

 ▪ project packages/apps/Settings/
 ▪ f0dd739 Slim Recents Membar Color [2/2]
 ▪ bf21305 Refactor Slim Recents [2/2]

 ▼ 03/24/2017

 ▪ project frameworks/base/
 ▪ 00d1fcc Slim Recents iconpack support [1/2]
 ▪ 42d1838 Ability to disable Do not Disturb mode when calling [1/3]
 ▪ 8336296 Suspend Actions [1/3]
 ▪ 0c5dbdc Make roaming indicator optional [1/2]

 ▪ project packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/
 ▪ f76431f Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/Recorder/
 ▪ 14c2858 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/Settings/
 ▪ 0a64428 Update SlimRecentPanel.java
 ▪ cce096d Slim Recents iconpack support [2/2]
 ▪ ed6ad03 Fix Build due to bad Pull request
 ▪ 5076e30 Ability to disable Do not Disturb mode when calling [3/3]
 ▪ 75b6380 Suspend Actions [3/3]
 ▪ 0269bd3 Make roaming indicator optional [2/2]
 ▪ cb63132 add mising strings
 ▪ 68d825d Add Nougat Maintainer of Nubia Z11(nx531j) (#722)

 ▪ project packages/apps/Snap/
 ▪ 3deda7f Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/TvSettings/
 ▪ 72df1ce Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/providers/DownloadProvider/
 ▪ a9fa3b2 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/resources/devicesettings/
 ▪ 8bbb278 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/services/Telecomm/
 ▪ b253df5 Ability to disable Do not Disturb mode when calling [2/3]

 ▪ project packages/services/Telephony/
 ▪ 3ac6537 Suspend Actions [2/3]

 ▪ project vendor/cmsdk/samples/weatherproviderservice/WundergroundWeatherProvider/
 ▪ d4703e3 Automatic translation import

 ▼ 03/23/2017

 ▪ project frameworks/base/
 ▪ 0628201 Automatic translation import
 ▪ 52ce3a3 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/Dialer/
 ▪ 95ae356 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/OmniSwitch/
 ▪ ef15f62 OmniSwitch: on the fly update on dpi changes
 ▪ bcfc4b1 OmniSwitch: multi window madness
 ▪ 37c5b8f OmniSwitch: delay task info loading to speedup open

 ▪ project packages/apps/Settings/
 ▪ ff7b05f Automatic translation import
 ▪ 28b1322 Batterybar Settings: Fix Color Previews
 ▪ bb12331 Merge remote-tracking branch 'rr/nougat' into HEAD
 ▪ 94bca5b Revert "Enable cool color temperature option"

 ▪ project vendor/cm/
 ▪ 24cd1a4 Revert "Update Magisk to V11.6"

 ▼ 03/22/2017

 ▪ project device/oppo/common/
 ▪ a8e0f0b Automatic translation import

 ▪ project frameworks/base/
 ▪ d2d57c0 Add Compass tile
 ▪ b54a260 Statusbar ticker: apply statusbar tint when set to white
 ▪ 24dbac1 Location tile: add high accuracy state icon
 ▪ e4d25c2 Merge branch 'nougat' of https://github.com/ResurrectionRemix/android_frameworks_base into nougat
 ▪ 41b8ae7 Location tile: dynamic icon state also when easy toggle enabled
 ▪ 806928c Expose Screenshot flash and background colors
 ▪ 2641bdd Expose temperature text in DetailedWeatherView

 ▪ project hardware/qcom/fm/
 ▪ 953af70 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/AudioFX/
 ▪ dc65a0c Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/Bluetooth/
 ▪ 888a04e Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/Calendar/
 ▪ 1826775 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/Camera2/
 ▪ 8ee8d23 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/
 ▪ 6950f2b Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/Dialer/
 ▪ 7939a38 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/Eleven/
 ▪ d46453b Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/Email/
 ▪ af2af0b Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/FMRadio/
 ▪ 588a2ab Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/Gallery2/
 ▪ 900fb80 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/Gello/
 ▪ 18953eb Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/HTMLViewer/
 ▪ eb1c5fa Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/Nfc/
 ▪ 8bb1879 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/OmniSwitch/
 ▪ 7b2042d Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/Recorder/
 ▪ 110c07c Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/SafetyRegulatoryInfo/
 ▪ d458cf1 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/Settings/
 ▪ c4a0609 Add Nougat Maintainer of Lenovo P2(p2a42) (#720)
 ▪ 58bfed9 Automatic translation import
 ▪ 84b4eb1 AppOpsDetails: Check app permissions safely

 ▪ project packages/apps/SetupWizard/
 ▪ f834d21 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/Snap/
 ▪ 9ee33a5 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/Stk/
 ▪ 3c27506 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/Terminal/
 ▪ 5937cbf Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/ThemeChooser/
 ▪ 993da14 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/Trebuchet/
 ▪ a536931 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/TvSettings/
 ▪ f58e1b2 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/
 ▪ c2e4f01 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/WallpaperPicker/
 ▪ cfbd067 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
 ▪ f59371a Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/providers/BookmarkProvider/
 ▪ 1b2cc77 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/providers/CalendarProvider/
 ▪ a1aa622 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/providers/ContactsProvider/
 ▪ e93ac19 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/providers/DownloadProvider/
 ▪ ae34e55 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/providers/MediaProvider/
 ▪ 4d1a21f Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/resources/devicesettings/
 ▪ b75c745 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project vendor/cm/
 ▪ 4b42ac4 Update Magisk to V11.6

 ▪ project vendor/cmsdk/samples/weatherproviderservice/WundergroundWeatherProvider/
 ▪ a940996 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project vendor/cmsdk/samples/weatherproviderservice/YahooWeatherProvider/
 ▪ 459f3db Automatic translation import

 ▼ 03/20/2017

 ▪ project kernel/oneplus/msm8996/
 ▪ f0963d3 mdss: livedisplay: Fix memory leaks in mdss_livedisplay_update()

 ▪ project vendor/cm/
 ▪ 8018396 Update Magisk to 11.5 (#86)

 ▼ 03/19/2017

 ▪ project frameworks/base/
 ▪ f93be09 Move wakelock option for flashlight to CameraManager.
 ▪ 09c2f18 SingleHandWindow: Allow locking the rotation to 180°

 ▼ 03/18/2017

 ▪ project android/
 ▪ c4a1a79 Track Own Package Installer

 ▪ project frameworks/base/
 ▪ 2e5baa3 ThemeSafety: Introduce App Crash Intent
 ▪ d2766bc Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/Bluetooth/
 ▪ d3c06ce Revert "Introduced Active device for volume updates and volume update in pause state"

 ▪ project packages/apps/ExactCalculator/
 ▪ 99ebfe6 Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_apps_ExactCalculator into nougat

 ▪ project packages/apps/OmniSwitch/
 ▪ e5ba172 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/PackageInstaller/
 ▪ de2347a PackageInstaller: Add tint mode to icons

 ▪ project packages/apps/Settings/
 ▪ 7d8b102 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project vendor/oneplus/
 ▪ 004b16f op3: Update to OxygenOS 4.1.0 blobs
 ▼ 03/17/2017

 ▪ project build/
 ▪ b7c9ded Use 'release-keys' for build tag

 ▪ project frameworks/base/
 ▪ ad7a554 PackageManager: Always let UID 0 start FallbackHome
 ▪ d6a2f93 Add tile information to ACTION_QS_TILE_PREFERENCES intent
 ▪ ca9d9fa SystemUI: Dismiss keyguard on boot if disabled by current profile
 ▪ c717b21 {SQUASHED}Revert" Header Date+Time positions "
 ▪ 172def4 SB Weather: Dont Show Image always on Left when animate = true
 ▪ ca2a687 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/Dialer/
 ▪ 8cc4294 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/OmniSwitch/
 ▪ 6bb19eb Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/ResurrectionStats/
 ▪ d40511f Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/Settings/
 ▪ 9a1b240 Revert" Header Date+Time positions [2/2]"
 ▪ 1753536 Fix Fling Settings Seekbar attrs
 ▪ 87b263d Automatic translation import

 ▪ project vendor/cm/
 ▪ 4e317ae Regen Changelog

 ▼ 03/16/2017

 ▪ project frameworks/av/
 ▪ 4c948e6 Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_av into nougat

 ▪ project frameworks/base/
 ▪ e3b0d96 Automatic translation import
 ▪ cb85791 Automatic translation import
 ▪ c1abc56 Fix intermittent slowness in resolver activity towards end of day.
 ▪ 560217c Clean Up Statusbar Weather Attirbutes.

 ▪ project hardware/qcom/fm/
 ▪ aa10afe Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/AudioFX/
 ▪ 886a58b Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/Bluetooth/
 ▪ 7e2fa3a Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/Calendar/
 ▪ 3b9a669 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/Camera2/
 ▪ 3cdfa24 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/
 ▪ 7017de6 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/CertInstaller/
 ▪ 80a7820 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/Eleven/
 ▪ c0bf8fe Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/Email/
 ▪ 4154e90 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/EmergencyInfo/
 ▪ f228c4a Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/FMRadio/
 ▪ f83a5d7 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/Gallery2/
 ▪ 6b1bcb3 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/Gello/
 ▪ 649f53d Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/ManagedProvisioning/
 ▪ c858db8 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/Nfc/
 ▪ fce8ec8 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/PackageInstaller/
 ▪ 2e2f0b2 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/Recorder/
 ▪ 3c64f0c Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/Settings/
 ▪ a27dd98 Added Nougat Maintainer For Redmi Note 4(mido)
 ▪ 542c03e Fix possible NPE on SIM settings shutdown.
 ▪ 0464d0b Clean up SIM enable toggle implementation
 ▪ 242dcad Settings: port manual provisiong support
 ▪ e13c91c Update rr_strings.xml (#718)

 ▪ project packages/apps/SetupWizard/
 ▪ 27662e2 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/Snap/
 ▪ 91d6eab Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/Stk/
 ▪ f91e479 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/ThemeChooser/
 ▪ 8542dd6 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/Trebuchet/
 ▪ e97e772 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/TvSettings/
 ▪ 4b1d8f7 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/
 ▪ cb0495f Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
 ▪ 65903e0 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/providers/DownloadProvider/
 ▪ e84d41d Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/providers/MediaProvider/
 ▪ 1261e19 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/providers/TelephonyProvider/
 ▪ 04f4aad Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/providers/WeatherProvider/
 ▪ 558d3e5 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/resources/devicesettings/
 ▪ 5a5b9c5 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/screensavers/Basic/
 ▪ a8e56f3 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/services/Telephony/
 ▪ 998dcdf Automatic translation import
 ▪ 90051f8 Telephony: Fix "Redirect to roaming SIM network setting(Dual SIM)"
 ▪ 37d3915 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project packages/wallpapers/LivePicker/
 ▪ 8a005bf Automatic translation import

 ▪ project system/core/
 ▪ 29ea1b5 Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of https://github.com/LineageOS/android_system_core into nougat

 ▪ project vendor/cmsdk/samples/weatherproviderservice/WundergroundWeatherProvider/
 ▪ 3aa2136 Automatic translation import

 ▪ project vendor/cmsdk/samples/weatherproviderservice/YahooWeatherProvider/
 ▪ d581a44 Automatic translation import

 ▼ 03/15/2017

 ▪ project packages/apps/Settings/
 ▪ 48f96bf HTC 10: Add tabp0le maintainer (#717)
 ▪ f763a03 Add crackling maintainer (#716)

 ▼ 03/14/2017

 ▪ project frameworks/base/
 ▪ f6338a2 ShutdownThread: Fix Device rebooting when power off confirm button pressed
 ▪ 598252b Statusbar weather: fix text hidden settings

 ▪ project hardware/cyanogen/
 ▪ 6e2dfc6 livedisplay: SDM: Fix display mode handling

 ▪ project hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8974/
 ▪ 4ff5e65 mm-video-v4l2: vdec: Fix makefile derp introduced in d443c0d

 ▪ project packages/apps/Settings/
 ▪ 0a46070 Lockscreen Shortcuts: Fix System Icon Selector

Big thanks
: RR team
: My teacher sud.vastav

This Rom is Unofficial.


ro.build.display.id=NOF26W test-keys
ro.build.date=2017年  3月  6日 月曜日 22:58:02 JST

No modded.

If you notice any problem, Tell or ask me plox.


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